University of Florida Homepage

This is a header alert with a link.

Add Social Media Links to Footer

Does your Department, Center or Lab have a social media presence? If so, this page will help you add social media icons with links to your profiles in the footer of your site!

Social media icons, once added, will appear in the bottom right corner of the footer.

To add these, you will need to be logged into your site by adding /wp-admin to the end of your URL.

Once logged in, hover over Appearance in the black left hand tool bar and click Customize.

This will take you to your site’s Customizer with the Customizer to the left and your home page to the right.

In the left hand white menu, click on CLAS DEPT Theme Options and then click on Social Media.

Enter in your username for each social media platform your Department, Center or Lab has.

Once a username has been added, the icon for that platform will appear in the bottom right of the footer.

Once finished, click the red Publish button.