University of Florida Homepage

This is a header alert with a link.

Copy Page Content from an Email

Copying content from an email adds a lot of extra markup. The below markup…

…has the following front-end result:

Contrast this to the cleaned-up markup…

…and its front-end result:

The extra markup…

  • Adds unnecessarily to the page load time, and can sometimes add unwanted styles like different font-weights.
  • Links in Outlook emails place the actual target URL in the title attribute along with the text “Click or tap if you trust this link”.

    This text is displayed when the link is hovered over (and some users who use screenreaders have the option to enable the setting where the title attribute is read aloud to them).

    There is no need for a page visitor to think that they can’t trust the link since that was just automatically added within the UF email ecosystem as an email security measure.

  • versus

  • Extra markup makes it difficult to see and correct typos