University of Florida Homepage

This is a header alert with a link.

Populate Recent News

A Recent News section will look something like this:

Or this:

And even this:

  1. Create a new post 
  2. Give it the category of “News”
  3. Give it a title and add what ever text you’d like in the text box.
  4. Once finished, press the red “Publish” or “Update” button in the top right
  5. Go to the page you’d like to have this Recent News section on
  6. Click Edit Page
  7. Add this code to to the text area:
  8. To add the date the post was published, add this:
  9. To add an excerpt, add this: (excerpt size can be set to whatever number you wish)
  10. To add thumbnails, add this:
  11. Click the red “Publish” or “Update” button in the top right

Click here to see more instructions on how you can adjust your News Feed using this short code: